Hello everyone my name is Capt. William “Billy” Chandler Some of you may already Know me as I have been associated with Beachside for over 5 years now. Late in 2017 the previous owner Patrick Close gave me a wonderful opportunity (I THINK JURY’S STILL OUT ) to become the owner of the company. At 59 most people are contemplating retirement, well apparently not Capt Billy so with some trepidation not to mention down rite FEAR OF FAILURE I made a deal with Patrick and took ownership of said company on January 01, 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you and please keep in touch you will notice a few changes in the coming weeks and months in pricing some higher some lower as well as product changes. Your input and suggestions are always welcome and I hope to meet and shake the hand of any and all of you. Thank You and Following Seas Capt. Billy